As parenting is definately on my mind lately with a set of 10 week old twins waiting for me at home, I think of all the designers who come in our showroom with kids. Not a week goes by that we don't see a mom toting a child in our showroom. I'm always interested in pointers for being a working parent and when I saw Vanessa Nunley come in the showroom the other day, I knew I had to grab her! She is working on getting her book published on just that! Be sure to check out her blog below, it is loaded with great tips and stories.
Today, I am talking with Vanessa Nunley, of Vanessa Nunley Designs in Wheaton.

Andrea: Tell us a little bit about your background. Did you go to school for interior design? How did you get started in the design business?
Vanessa: I have always been fascinated with style and glamour. My obsessions began, when I was a little girl, with fashion and shoes, handbags and accessories. As I matured, I developed an appreciation for art and architecture. When I was a teenager, I was actually interested in becoming an architect, and took several drafting classes. As I entered college, I entertained the idea of fashion merchandising and design. In the end, however, I received my degree in business.
My passion and appreciation for beautiful things intensified as I began the process of making my own home. When my children were small and we’d entertain playmates, more often than not the mothers would ask me who had done my decorating. With the encouragement (prodding) of a friend, I started my own business. I sent out 80 letters to women I knew in my area and I have been busy ever since.
Andrea: As a mother, what was the biggest factor for you in making your decision to work outside of your home? What do you find to be your greatest challenge?
Vanessa: At the time that I started my design business 12 years ago, my main focus was personal fulfillment. I have always felt that I have been given an enormous gift in having the ability to be home with my children. On the other hand, being a full time stay at home mom can at times be a mind numbing experience. There really is only so much laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning and car pooling a gal can do before she looses her mind. For me, I have always felt that cultivating my creative talents has made me a more enriched and interesting person. Besides, I think that balancing motherhood and a business has sent a strong message to my children.
I think the greatest challenge for all mothers is that there are only 24 hours in a day.
Andrea: When your kids are both off to college, in what direction do you see your professional life taking you?
Vanessa: I have been laying the ground work for that for a very long time. This year is a big year for my family. My husband Chuck and I have been married for 20 years. We have two high school students; Nicholas, will be a senior and Amanda, will be a freshman. My furry son, Wrigley, remains home schooled. Over the past 5 years I have written a book that is ready for publication. It shares my passion for motherhood, family life and gracious living.
I am the More is More Mom® and my message is all about….. Creating Meaningful Life Experiences.
I have a lot of exciting things happening right now in addition to my work in the design business. I am a daily blogger. I write about; motherhood, family life, personal style, home décor, entertaining, cooking, recipes and slice of life stories. Please visit me at my website;
I contribute daily to the Trib Local on line newspaper by posting my blogs. You can find me at Search: More is More Mom. I am being featured twice monthly in the print version of the Trib Local for the Wheaton/Glen Ellyn area, which is very exciting!
On Monday, September 6, I will be doing a live, in studio segment on the ABC-7 News at 11 AM. I will be presenting my ideas for a fantastic Labor Day party and I will be demonstrating how to make a delicious appetizer.
October 12, you will find me at the Merchandise Mart as the featured speaker for the International Furnishings and Design Association. In my presentation I will be sharing my tips and secrets to setting fantastic, over the top tablescapes for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
It is my intention to continue promoting my passion for gracious living and creating meaningful life experiences.
Andrea: You have been busy! Thank you for sharing your story with us.
Vanessa: It was my pleasure. It’s always great to connect with the girls at CDT!
Please feel free to email Vanessa at and visit her website;