Remember that the SAMPLE SALE is next Weekend! Great bargains, beautiful things, several vendors from outside the ADC. Friday, Nov. 21 from 9-4...Saturday Nov. 22 9-3. Call us if you have questions.
You can also look at our website and click on the blog at the bottom of the page, to see the items we have available from CDT.
Fashion Tech has issued a new pricer, effective immediately. CDT will honor any outstanding quotes until next Friday, 11-21-08.
Fabricut has a new pricer effective as of Dec. 1
Remember that there is a Free Lite Rise promo on Duette and Applause until 11-17.
Century has new prices on the Signature Collection Upholstery effective December 1. Our rep, John Wynne will not be at his CDT office hours this month. He threw his back out at Market and will be having surgery.
Lexington Furniture has reworked their website, so it now shows no pricing. Hurray!!!!
There is a very nice young lady from Bufffalo Grove High School who is interested in the Interior Design Profession. She spent a day here at CDT, and would like to job shadow a designer. Is anyone able to help out?
If so, please contact Char at the CDT memo room.
Remember the IFDA Design Therapy meeting is at CDT on Tuesday Nov 18 at 5:30. Pizza and pop will be served. $7 for members, $10 for non members.
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