Friday, March 25, 2011

New to the Showroom in March

By: Andrea Schuch
Everytime I write about our new things, I think that it hasn't even been that long since I last wrote - this year is flying by! Soon enough, Mother Nature will stop being confused about the weather and it will officially be spring! This month, we've done a little spring reaccesorizing, new things in - a few older things out. We also received several new fabric books in, one that I am in love with from Clarke & Clarke.

One of the new things in our showroom this month is a few new tables from Superior. Superior is a great table line, perfect for cocktail tables and end tables - and more. This little table came in and what I love about it is that it is so narrow that you could squeeze it in where you didn't think you could have a table - and it has a drawer for a little storage! There are a few others, including a very versatile distressed black table, be sure to check them all out!

There are several great new books from Clarke & Clarke. This line, itself, is new to our showroom within the past year. We continue to get amazing fabrics from them like this new book Lino Sheers. There is a great sheer that almost looks like a burnout velvet pattern, many great stripes, all in very usable color combinations. Clarke & Clarke does a great job at coordinating their fabric books, when you are looking at an upholstery book there is most likely a sheer that will coordinate in this book. There are about five additional NEW books from Clarke & Clarke that you will find in their black bindings near the Highland Court fabrics, be sure to check them out!

Several new accessories, these great armillaries made an appearance. I always know who is picking the accessories when these show up, they're Vicki's favorite! I particullary like this one because it is not too large (about 18" tall) and it almost seems modern in a traditional way. It's one of those items that can be used in a variety of living spaces regardless of style because of it's clean lines and long history (supposedly invented by Eratosthenes in Greece around 200 BC).

We also received this great mirror in, but you wouldn't know it because it went to a client's home before it was even hung on the wall! This is the Elizabeth Marshall 38" Red Chinese Mirror (item 571-11-12836).

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