Monday, December 8, 2008

Week of 12-1-08

All of us at CDT want to thank you for all your business this past fall. We are so lucky to have such a nice group of customers to work with. Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Cathy Fountaine wishes to thank all of you who responded with referrals for an organizer.

The sample sale was a great success! Large crowds and tons of product moved! We intend to make it an annual event.

We have just received lots of new accessories, art foliage and orchids. This is great, because we sold over $10,000 retail dollars in accessories last week!!! Kudos to those of you who are adding to your profits with accessories!

Our website has been updated. The tabs for the blog, downloads etc are now at the top. Most of your forms and work tickets can be downloaded, filled out and faxed in to us.

Jody asks that if you have already faxed us an order, if you include a copy of the order with your deposit check, please mark DO NOT DUPLICATE--ALREADY FAXED on the order.

Effective immediately, you will notice a message on your orders. When we fax you a copy of your order, it is your responsibility to READ IT. If there are any errors, we ask that you inform us within 48 hours. If we do not hear from you, we will assume it is correct and place the order. If you get the wrong will be your responsibility. We have had a rash of this type of thing lately. All of us do our best to read, interpret, and place your orders correctly, but it is YOUR order, and only you will know if it is written the way you want it. Please check your verifications carefully. This will save all of us time and money.

The new Ferguson Copland catalog is finally here, prices effective Dec 1.

New Century Signature Collection pricer effective Dec 1

Effective January 1 there will be new Hunter Douglas multiplier sheets. Some discounts will decrease, some will increase and some will remain the same.

If anyone is looking for an intern, let me know. I have some names.

Enjoy your holiday...we are thankful for you!!
Your friends at CDT

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