Friday, January 9, 2009

CDT News 1-9-09

Happy New Year Designers,
We hope you had a great holiday and are looking ahead with optimism for the New Year!

Our Taylor King rep, Nancy Edgington, is anxious to show you all the exciting new fabrics from the October Market. Taylor King has really gone all out and done a fabulous job.
Date: Wednesday January 21st
Time: 1pm
Please RSVP as refreshments will be served.
RSVP to 847-394-1800 or simply reply to this email and tell us you will be attending.

A new Hunter Douglas cost factor (multiplier) sheet is now available to download from our website, While you're there, check out the "Downloads" section. You can now find many of your often used forms to download, including Hunter Douglas and Fashion Tech order forms.

It is that time of year, many vendors have issued new price lists. They are as follows:
Sam Moore
Century Leisure
Seven Seas Seating
Duralee Fabrics

If you are working on a project we will honor old pricing through Friday, January 14, 2009.

There are many discontinued fabrics available. Please contact Char in the Memo Room to arrange pick up. Also, if you know of any organizations that would like to pick them up, please let Char know.

Just a reminder to help you get your memos quickly and efficiently, please fill out your memo order form completely and print clearly. This helps everyone in the memo room get your order filled and make sure all the outs are sent quickly.

This is also a good time to look at Minutes Matter, a computer design program offered here, at CDT. Please ask about it on your next trip in the showroom. You will be amazed at how easy it is to do space planning and designing elevations, including window treatments. It makes your presentations look so professional!

Because of an increase in inclement weather this season, if you are planning a trip to CDT and there is a storm expected, please call ahead of time to make sure we are not closing.

We, at CDT, wish all of you good health and much success in the New Year.

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